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Oke terimakasih atas kunjungan anda, jika anda menyukai postingan kami silahkan share kami ucapkan minta maaf jika ada keslahan kami akan terus menggembangkan blog ini dan maaf kami masih menggunakan handphone jadi maklumin saya ya hehe



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fb/ Gta San Aldii II
kami akan melayani anda sepenuh hati dan gratis tentunya hehe
jangan lupa selalu ikuti kami dan share ya .

By :Aldi.inc


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Angklung is a multitonal musical instrument (pitched double) which traditionally developed in Sundanese society in western part of Java Island. This instrument is built from
Bamboo, sounded by shaking (sound caused by a bamboo pipe body clash) to produce a vibrating sound in the tone of 2, 3, to 4 tones in each size, both large and small. Jonathan Rigg's Dictionary of the Sunda Language, published in 1862 in Batavia, writes that angklung is a musical instrument made of bamboo pipes, cut into the edges, resembling pipes in an organ, and tied together in a Frame, vibrated to produce sound. Angklung is listed as
The Supreme Masterpiece of the Oral and Non-Angelic Heritage of Man from
UNESCO since November 2010.
The children of West Java played angklung in the early 20th century.
There is no clue since when angklung was used, but it is suspected that its primitive form has been used in Neolithic culture that developed in the archipelago until the beginning of modern calendar, so that Angklung is part of pre-Hinduism relics in Nusantara culture.
Notes on the new angklung appear referring to the time of the Sunda Kingdom (12th century to 16th century). The origin of the creation of bamboo music, such as angklung based on the view of the living Sundanese society with the source of life of agriculture (pare) as a staple food. This gave birth to the myth of belief in Nyai Sri Pohaci as the symbol of the life-giving Goddess of Rice (inhaled-hurip). Society
Baduy, regarded as a remnant of the original Sundanese people, applied Angklung as part of the ritual of initiating rice cultivation. Game angklung gubrag on
Jasinga, Bogor, is one that has survived more than 400 years ago. Its emergence originated from rice rites. Angklung was created and played to entice Dewi Sri down to earth for the people's rice plants to flourish.
Types of bamboo commonly used as a musical instrument is black bamboo (awi wulung) and white bamboo (awi temen). Each tone (barrel) is produced from the sound of its bamboo tube in the shape of a blade (wilahan) of each bamboo segment from small to large.
Known by the Sundanese community since the time of the Sunda kingdom, among them as an inspired spirit in the battle. Angklung function as a pumping spirit of the people still continues to be felt until the colonial period, that's why the government
Dutch East Indies had forbidden people to use angklung, the ban could make the popularity of angklung decline and only played by children at that time. [Need reference]
Furthermore, the songs offerings against the Goddess Sri is accompanied by a companion of the sound of percussion made from bamboo stems are packaged simple and then born structure of bamboo musical instrument that we know now called angklung. Similarly, at the time of harvest festivals and seren taun dedicated angklung game. Especially in the presentation of Angklung associated with the rice ceremony, this art becomes a show that the nature of the procession or helaran, even in some places into the convoy of Rengkong and Dongdang and Jampana (stretch of food) and so forth.
In its development, Angklung developed and spread throughout Java, then to Kalimantan and Sumatra. In 1908 recorded a cultural mission from Indonesia to
Thailand, among others marked the delivery of angklung, then this bamboo music game had spread there.
In fact, since 1966, Udjo Ngalagena -tangklung who developed the game technique based on pelog, salendro, and madenda larva-began to teach how to play angklung to many people from various communities.
Type of Angklung
Angklung Kanekes
Angklung in the Kanekes region (we often call them Baduy people) is used primarily because of its association with rice rites, not solely for the entertainment of the people. Angklung used or sounded when they planted rice in huma (fields). Anchoring angklung when planting rice is only free (dikurulungkeun), especially in Kajnia (Tangtu, Baduy Jero), and some with a certain ritmis, namely in Kaluaran (Baduy Luar). However, it can still be displayed outside the rice rite but still has rules, for example, it can only be beaten until the time of pare ngararan (curing rice), about three months from the time of planting rice. After that, for the next six months all art should not be played, and may be played again in the next rice-growing season. Closing angklung carried out with an event called unglung musungkeun, namely nitipkeun (deposit, save) angklung after use.
In entertainment show, Angklung is usually held at moonlight and not rain. They play angklung in game (broad page in the countryside) while singing various songs, among others:
Lutung Kasarung, Yandu Bibi, Yandu Sala, Ceuk Arileu, Oray-orayan,
Dengdang, Yari Gandang, Oyong-oyong Bangkong, Kula Body,
Kokoloyoran, Swing-swing,
Pileuleuyan, Gandrung Manggu, Rujak Gadung, Mulung Muncang, Giler,
Ngaranggeong, Aceukna, Marengo,
Salak Sadapur, Rangda Ngendong,
Celementre, Keupat Reundang,
Papacangan, and Culadi Dengdang. The drummer angklung as many as eight people and three drummers make a small size position standing while walking in a circle formation. Meanwhile, others have ngalage (dancing) with certain movements that have been raw but simple. Everything is done only by men. This is in contrast to the people of Daduy Dalam, they are limited by custom with various rules of pamali (taboo), should not do excessive mundane pleasures. Art is solely for ritual purposes.
The names of angklung in Kanekes of the largest are: indung, ringkung, dongdong, gunjing, kongkok, indung leutik, torolok, and roel. Roel consisting of 2 pieces of angklung held by a person. Drawing names from the longest are: bedug, talingtit, and tap. The use of bedug instrument there is a difference, that is in the kampung Kaluaran they use 3 pieces of drum. In Kajeroan; Cikeusik village, using only bedug and talingtit, without tap. In Kajnia, Cibeo village, use only bedug, without talingtit and tap.
In Kanekes who have the right to make angklung are Kajarga people (Tangtu; Baduy Jero). Kajeroan consists of 3 villages, namely Cibeo, Cikartawana, and Cikeusik. In these three villages not everyone can make it, only those who have offspring and the right to do it in addition to the conditions of ritual. The famous angklung in Cikeusik is Amir's father (59), and at Cikartawana Ayah Tarnah. Kaluaran people buy from Kajaran people in the three villages.
Angklung players from eastern Java while performing in west java
Angklung Reyog
Angklung Reyog is a musical instrument to accompany the reyog ponorogo dance in eastern Java. The Reyog angklung is characterized by a very loud sound, has two tones and an attractive rattan arch (unlike angklung generally ang cube-shaped) with beautifully framed tassels of colored yarn. In telling angklung is a weapon from the kingdom bantarangin when fighting the kingdom lodaya in the 9th century, when the victory by the king bantarangin the joyous warriors are no exception angklung holder, because the extraordinary strength of the rope lenggang strength to produce a distinctive sound that klong- klok And klung-kluk when heard will feel the spiritual vibration.
In the history of this Reyog angklung is used in movies: Warok Singo Cobra (1982), Kick From Heaven (2011)
And the use of angklung Reyog in music such as: tofu opo tempe, palapa oath, kuto reog, Resik Endah Omber Girang, and campursari smack ponorogoan.
Angklung Banyuwangi
Angklung banyuwangi has a form like calung with the tone of banyuwangi culture
Angklung Bali
Angklung bali has typical Balinese shapes and tones,
Angklung Dogdog Lojor
The art of dogdog lojor is found in Kasepuhan Pancer Pangawinan or indigenous unity
Banten Kidul is scattered around
Mount Halimun (bordering on
Jakarta, Bogor, and Lebak). Although this art is called dogdog lojor, which is the name of one of the instruments in it, but there is also used angklung because of its relation to the rice ritual event. Once a year, after harvest the whole community holds a Serah Taun or Seren Taun event in the center of the adat village. The center of the kampung adat as the residence of the kokolot (elder) where he always moves according to the invisible instructions.
The tradition of respecting rice in these communities is still being implemented because they are among the people who still adhere to the old customs. Traditionally they claim to be the descendants of officials and Pajajaran palace soldiers in baresan Pangawinan (spear soldiers). This Kasepuhan society has embraced Islam and is somewhat open to the effects of modernization, as well as the pleasures of worldly pleasures can be enjoyed. This attitude is also influential in terms of art functions that since about the 1970s, dogdog lojor has experienced the development, which is used to enliven the circumcision of children, marriage, and other festivities. Instruments used in dogdog lojor art are 2 pieces of dogdog lojor and 4 big angklung. The four angklung have name, the biggest is called bark, then panembal, kingking, and inclok. Each instrument is played by a person, so there are six people.
Dogdog lojor songs in between
Bale Agung, Side Hideung, Oleng-oleng Papanganten, The Stump Kawung, Adulilang, and Adu-complaint. These songs are vocals with rhythmic dogdog and angklung tend to remain.
Angklung Gubrag
Angklung gubrag is located in Cipining village, Cigudeg sub-district, Bogor. Angklung is old and used to honor the rice goddess in the activities of melak pare (rice cultivation), ngunjal pare (transporting rice), and ngadiukeun (put) to leuit (barn).
In mythical angklung gubrag began to exist when a period of Cipining village experienced a famine season.
Angklung Badeng
Badeng is a type of art that emphasizes the musical aspect with angklung as its main musical instrument. Badeng is in Sanding Village, Malangbong Sub-district,
Garut. It used to function as entertainment for the benefit of Islamic da'wah. But allegedly badeng has been used by society since a long time before Islam for events related to rice planting ritual. As an art for dakwah badeng believed to develop since Islam spread in this area around the 16th century or 17. At that time the residents of Sanding, Arpaen and Nursaen, study the religion of Islam to
The kingdom of Demak. After returning from Demak they preach propagate the religion of Islam. One means of spreading Islam that he uses is with the art of badeng.
Angklung used as many as nine pieces, namely 2 angklung roel, 1 angklung kecer, 4 angklung indung and angklung father, 2 angklung child; 2 dogdogs, 2 flying or gembyung, and 1 kecrek. The text uses Sundanese language mixed with Arabic. In its development is now also used Indonesian language. The contents of the text contain Islamic values ​​and good counsel, as well as the need for the event. In the show in addition to presenting the songs, also presented a miraculous attraction, such as slicing the body with a sharp weapon.
Songs of badges: Lailahaileloh, Ya'ti,
Kasreng, Yautike, Lilimbungan,
Beans is a performing arts that is entertainment, including in Baros (Arjasari, Bandung). At first beans are used on rice-related farming events. But at present beans are used as entertainment art. This is related to the increasingly changing views of people who began to ignore the things that smell of old beliefs. The 1940s could be regarded as the end of the function of the bean ritual in the honor of the rice, since it has since transformed into an entertainment show. Along with that the storage of rice (leuit, barn) began to disappear from people's homes, replaced with places more practical sacks, and easily carried everywhere. Rice was now much directly sold, not stored in the barn. Thus the art of beans that were used for events ngunjal (carrying rice) is not needed anymore.


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Hallo gaes :) next time I will show how the heck how to make photos become menjadia like diplanet bro :)
Step 2
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And enjoy
Okay bro can not you? It's easy okeh thank you for visiting our blog. We are sorry if there are errors

